mardi 17 mai 2011

Installing PeopleBooks 8.50 on Linux/Unix

You may have faced issues installing PeopleBooks Linux/Unix ?
./setup.aix  -is:tempdir /temp -i console
There is a bug with the installer that is looking for a previous JRE release (1.4.x).

You can use the Java installer instead :
java -jar setup.jar -console

If you issue the following command:
./setup.aix  -is:javahome $/usr/java5 -is:log /tmp/pbooks.log -is:tempdir /tmp -i console
You can verify in the logs, that the installer is looking for a 1.4 JVM …
Finding a JVM
Checking user specified Java home directory => $/usr/java5
Verifying JVM at $/usr/java5/jre/bin/java
   for JVM: AIX Java 1.4.X by IBM
$/usr/java5/jre/bin/java does not exist
Verifying JVM at $/usr/java5/jre/bin/java
   for JVM: AIX Java 1.4.X by IBM
$/usr/java5/jre/bin/java does not exist
Initiating JVM search based on hints...
Searching for AIX Java 1.4.X by IBM using platform hints
Searching for AIX Java 1.4.X by IBM using path hints
Checking path hint /usr/java14*

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